Learn Spanish in Panama
Learning Spanish in Panama means taking the road less traveled and experiencing a world of natural beauty firsthand. Panama is a country that is blessed by luscious rainforest and crystal blue seas on either side of it. Within the cities, you will find a modern, expat-friendly population who are happy to give you a warm welcome. Learning Spanish in Panama offers you a unique blend of cultural immersion and comfort, as you will find that Spanish is used frequently throughout the country, but locals will be willing to help you out with your language if you trip up!
Overall, learning Spanish abroad is your window into one of the fastest growing markets in entertainment and business in the world. There are over 570 million Spanish speakers across the world and Spanish is the official language of 20 countries (while being an unofficial language of many more) so learning Spanish is guaranteed to help you, no matter what your goals are. Learn Spanish in Panama and gain this lifelong skill from a friendly beachfront paradise!
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Check out our other countries with the same language below
Spanish study destinations in Panama
Panama is packed with a wide variety of ecosystems: thousands of shades of green, 15,000 different kinds of butterflies, Capuchin monkeys, white-tailed deer, sloths, some of the world’s most beautiful birds like the quetzal, and more orchids than you even knew existed. This small country is diverse and welcoming. As you listen to the sounds of Caribbean music in the warm night air, you’ll fall further in love with this country on the little strip of land that connects the Americas.
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